Are you working on innovative solutions for the energy efficiency of buildings? Are you working on innovative sustainable mobility solutions? If the answer is yes in one or both cases, we are offering a unique opportunity to have visibility in other European markets and to be able to exchange knowledge and collaborate with international organizations!
The first phase of the european project CITIES 4.0 - Climate Innovation Through Interactive Ecosystem Summit outlined two main challenges, the Cities 4.0 Open Innovation Challenges:
- Help creating the context to not depend on cars and discourage its use;
- Help scale up to energy renovating 1000 homes per day.
The cities included in the EU Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030” and their stakeholders are now invited to make innovative proposals in order to face the aforementioned challenges.
From September 13th, 2023 a dedicated platform will go live allowing applicants and solution providers to register with their solution for one or both challenges.
For challenge A, the selection committee will be made up of public and private mobility managers. For this reason, this team will be interested in receiving new sustainable and neutral mobility solutions.
For challenge B, the selection committee will be made up of representatives of public and private companies that manage/own buildings and are therefore interested in being able to learn about innovative realities and initiatives that can contribute to the energy efficiency of buildings .
On December 6th, 2023, the challenges will close. All the solutions uploaded will be judged by a jury supported by experts. They will select the best solutions per challenge that will be presented during the final event to be held on January 30th, 2024.
The more solution providers join, the more impact, results and progress can be made towards becoming climate neutral before 2030!
Get more information:
- go to:;
- contact Susanne Toussaint:;
- follow our Linkedin page.
The European project CITIES 4.0 - Climate Innovation Through Interactive Ecosystem Summit - involves partners of 4 different European cities: Brainport Eindhoven, Ecosystem Thinking Institute, Red Blue Jay (Eindhoven, Netherlands), Turku Science Park (Turku, Finland), Leuven Mindgate (Leuven, Belgium) and Fondazione Innovazione Urbana (Bologna, Italy). This project started in September 2022 and it will end in 2024. Its aim is to create new synergies between innovation ecosystems in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, following the guidelines of the EU Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”.