A shared courtyard
During the summer, the Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana promote a multidisciplinary cultural review in the Cortile Guido Fanti of Palazzo d’Accursio: readings, talks, interaction, but also music and performances.
The Shared Courtyard review sees the direct involvement of the City of Bologna (in particular through the participation of Patto per la Lettura, UNESCO Bologna city of music, OfficinAdolescenti and Informagiovani), the Salaborsa Library, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, and Istituzione Bologna Musei.
Various cultural companies in the city also collaborate in the review.
This is a means of reflecting on and experiencing Cortile Guido Fanti: a ‘city square’ and physical, public space for meeting different communities in the city, political and cultural discussion, sharing, and co-constructing visions: a physical space that embodies the modern era.
A Shared Courtyard is one of the activities promoted by the City of Bologna and coordinated by the Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana towards the construction of the Quadrilatero della Cultura, the new centre for culture and participation under the Open Laboratory project (programme financed by Axis 6 ‘Attractive and participatory cities’ under the Regional Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund 2014–2020).
The Shared Courtyard review is part of Bologna Estate, the series of activities promoted and coordinated by the City of Bologna and the Metropolitan City of Bologna – Tourist Destination.