The Bologna City Branding project, assigned to Urban Center Bologna, started with ample research focused on the perception of the present international brand image of Bologna and on the traits that characterize the desired identity.
The research was conducted in 2012 and concerned:
1. The analysis of Bologna’s international image was carried out through the following:
- recovery of data from researches already carried out on this theme;
- questionnaire addressed to a sample of Italian and foreign citizens that have visited and/or sojourned in Bologna inthe lastfew years;
- sentiment analysis of the presence of Bologna on the web.
2. The aspirational Brand Identity was analysed through 7 Focus Groups and the online contest "Caro amico ti invito".
The research and its results are widely described in "is Bologna. City Branding Project", the second number of the Urban Center Bologna editorial series I Quaderni (available both in italian and english version).
Others documents (available in italian language):
- The research (Roberto Grandi)
- The web analysis (Federico Neri)
- The questionnaire (Furio Camillo)
- A synthesis
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